
深圳市铨顺宏科技有限公司 专业的RFID产品与技术服务提供商

Analysis of UHF RFID Access Control Management System

Access control system as a new type of modern security management system

As a new type of modern security management system, the access control system integrates automatic identification technology and computer control information management measures, involving electronics, machinery, optics, computer technology, communication technology, biotechnology and many other technologies. With the development of automatic identification technology, UHF RFID access control management system has become the main component of security system, widely used in industrial automation, commercial automation, transportation control management and many other fields. The access control system based on RFID technology is the development direction of the future access control system construction.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology is an innovative application of modern science and technology in all aspects of society. As one of the ten most potential technologies in the 21st century, the development of RFID technology has brought huge market value. RFID technology has been widely used in retail, logistics, manufacturing, medical, archives and many other fields. Automation, informatization, and intelligence have become the needs of the development of the times. Infinity technology and computer technology have continued to develop in depth. The Internet of Things industry is more and more widely used. The access control system of RFID technology is a good embodiment of the practicality of the Internet of Things. The RFID access control system has high safety and reliability, and is convenient and fast to use.

The personnel access control and attendance management system integrates various technologies such as ultra-high frequency RFID technology, image recognition technology, network technology, and video capture technology to realize the integration of enterprise employee access control, attendance, and digital management. The system has the function of intelligent photo comparison. The system captures and stores the images of personnel swiping cards through image acquisition equipment and compares them with the photos in the system database, successfully eliminating the phenomenon of employees swiping cards on their behalf, providing the most reliable data support for enterprises to reasonably manage attendance, and maximizing enterprise access security supervision strength.

UHF RFID access control management system consists of access control machine (integrated with reader and controller), identification card, computer and electromagnetic lock. Generally, there are two forms of access control system. One is that when employees pass the access control system, they only need to point the card (UHF RFID electronic tag) on their body at the infrared rays of the access control machine, and the door will automatically open. The other is the UHF RFID UHF long-distance access control management system. By installing UHF readers and UHF electronic tags worn by employees, the door can be opened and closed, and identification can be identified during the entire process of passing. The reading of the card is completely intelligent and automatic, without the need for workers to operate, saving time. The cost of the second type of UHF RFID access control management system is higher, and the choice of these two forms depends on the specific needs of the enterprise.


Shenzhen Quan Shunhong (https://www.fuwit.com/), as a leading RFID brand, provides all major operators and integrators with a full range of ThingMagic products, and always adheres to the concept of "equipment + solution + service" "An integrated business model, with automatic identification technology as the core, IoT overall application solutions as the guide, technical service application, effective integration of technology and application, and creation and realization of application value as the purpose, to provide mature Internet of Things industry fields. , stable, professional and meticulous complete set of solutions and value-added services. At the same time, relying on the advantages of brand and technology, combined with rich technical service experience in the Internet of Things industry, in smart warehousing and logistics, file informatization, smart new retail, smart manufacturing, smart washing, asset management and other industry segments, from product selection. , to solution design and system platform support, to provide users with easy-to-operate and high-stability, differentiated and innovative comprehensive technical services.


For more RFID products and solutions, please visit the company's official website (https://www.fuwit.com.cn), or online customer service (400-8331-258) for consultation




FU-M6-A 是一款以ThingMagic优异的M6e-A模组为核心集成的工业级的四通道固定式读写器。采用优质钣金外壳,提供4路 TNC天线接口,支持4路独立天线,提供工业专用的通信及电源接口,外观小巧,安装便捷。IP56防护等级适应各类工业和商业环境使用,满足高低温恶劣工作环境。 广泛适应于医疗、酒店洗涤、智慧仓储、新零售等各类工业和商业环境下使用。
W6100 便携式工业级RFID智能手持机

W6100 便携式工业级RFID智能手持机

W6100 手持机是一款基于安卓 10.0 系统开发,2GB RAM & 16GB ROM,集成 2D 条形码扫描、4G 全网通、GPS 、WIFI(支持 WIFI 漫游无缝切换)、BLUETOOTH 、RFID 功能于一体的便携式智能数据采集设备,界面友好,操作简便; 集成 ThingMagic 高性能模组,具备高效盘点、远程扫描、精准读取等优势,适应于仓储物流、智能门店、档案图书等多场景应用。 


TXr系列RFID标签打印机配备了优于其它产品的独创设计和实用功 能,畅享智能打印解决方案带来的高效便利。先打印后读写的独创设计,100%标签合格率,TXr系列电子标签打印解决方案是自动化分拣及高效工作的保障。其支持最小高度为12毫米的电子标签读写打印及适用于柔性抗金属标签,灵活的耗材兼容性,高品质打印输出效果,带你走进更加广阔的应用领域。产品广泛适用于汽车制造业,服装制造业,金融服务业,物流运输业等行业细分领域 *RFID打印机功能演示视频, 请点击:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_ XNDExNjA3NTA1Ng==.html *如需下载产品规格书,请联系我们的在线客服,或联系邮箱:sales@fuwit.com,备注来访意图即可。


FU-TD04 超高频RFID门禁系统支持EPC C1 G2(ISO18000-6C)协议,支持服务器模式实现多通道控制功能,内部集成高增益天线组、基于ThingMagic的高速读写器及控制模组,拥有高速读取标签性能和良好的读写区域控制能力,提供标准RS232或RJ45接口,方便连接软件平台。 产品特别适用于各类物流仓储、图书档案、人员考勤管理等细分领域的应用。


蓝牙AOA定位基站FU-GA25-P2是一款壳体防护等级达到IP66的高精度定位基站,采用最新的AOA到达角定位技术,与定位引擎和多种蓝牙终端一起组成亚米级高精度实时定位系统,单台基站即可独立进行高精度定位。 蓝牙aoa定位FU-GA25-P2定位引擎高性能,具备多架构支持、跨平台设计、云边融合设计的特点,软件配置高效快速,具备覆盖效果仿真、图纸输出、性能评估等技术支持优势


    高精度UWB定位系统,由UWB定位基站、UWB定位标签(腰牌、胸牌、腕表、安全帽)、定位引擎(基于GIS的标准型定位应用软件),结合定位算法和开放的定位引擎API接口,系统可达10cm级定位精度,可实现三维、二维、一维、零维定位。可广泛应用于矿山、石化、隧道、地铁、工厂、电力、养老院、医院、监狱、看守所、戒毒所、法院、博物馆等行业,对人员、物品、资产的智能化管理。     UWB室外型定位基站,支持TDOA和TOF两种定位方式,基站内置4G、WiFi、蓝牙网络模块,可实现物联网网关功能。