
深圳市铨顺宏科技有限公司 专业的RFID产品与技术服务提供商

How is RFID applied in logistics warehousing and production lines?

System software for identifying, tracking, managing and checking item information based on RFID technology. The key to
tracking includes program modules such as delivery demand, item delivery, item storage, and delivery request timeout.
RFID logistics warehouse management system is a system software that identifies, tracks, manages and checks item information for goods based on RFID technology. The key to tracking includes program modules such as distribution demand, item distribution, item entry, and delivery request timeout. RFID technology is closely combined with the data management and query of electronic computers, automatically retrieving item information, fulfilling the high-tech requirements of automation, informationization and intelligence of the company's freight logistics operation, and completing the seamless link between RFID technology and the company's information management system. To ensure that RFID technology can give full play to the greater economic benefits in the company's freight logistics work.

rfid is RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) technology, also known as rfid tag, radio frequency rfid, is a communication technology that can identify special targets and read and write related data information according to wireless communication signals, without identifying the system and special targets. Create mechanical devices or electro-optical touch.

RFID 防拆标签

1. Technical background

The trend of globalization of economic development and the prevalence of Internet technology have accelerated the development trend of the cross-border e-commerce logistics service industry. The development trend of economic integration in the world has prompted the company's procurement, warehousing and logistics, market sales, distribution and other division of labor to become increasingly complicated. The market competition between enterprises is not only the market competition of product performance and quality, but also the market of freight logistics work ability. compete. Use information technology to replace the operation process, reduce consumption, save time and cost, and then complete the seamless connection and integration of supply chain management. Carry out an integrated management method to promote information sharing, the turnover rate of items and assets, and improve work efficiency, so as to achieve the same informatization as the management of the intelligent logistics industry.

2. Application scheme

1) Automatic push requirements: The production line automatically collects empty containers, and completes automatic push distribution requirements according to the collection scanner;

2) Collection of distribution goods: freight logistics companies carry out on-time distribution of goods by quantity according to distribution needs;

3) Warehousing of goods in processing plants: automatic retrieval of goods in the warehouse, automatic matching of distribution requirements, and improvement of the efficiency of goods in warehouses;

4) Abnormal alarm in delivery: During the whole process of delivery, when the system detects that the delivery request is overtime and the delivery is abnormal, the system will automatically initiate an alarm prompt;

5) Basic principle of data acquisition technology: After the commodity container enters the collection area, the data acquisition device automatically retrieves multiple commodity information according to the collection of RFID electronic tags, and then efficiently carries out commodity in and out of the warehouse, ensuring that the goods are consistent with the distribution needs and improving logistics. delivery efficiency;

6) Efficient and economic benefits: When the goods are in and out of the warehouse, the reading and writing collection equipment can automatically and conveniently identify the goods, and the automatic matching and distribution requirements can improve the efficiency of goods in and out of the warehouse;

7) Real-time: Real-time grasp of the distribution status of all commodities, accurate grasp of inventory status, increase effective inventory, and real-time grasp of warehouse environment conditions and changes;

8) Scalability: Complete cross-regional centralized management, distributed system operation and real-time monitoring system functions, efficiently carry out various business process operations, improve the application of logistics and warehouse management, and improve enterprise efficiency and use value.


3. Solutions

3.1 System Composition

The system is a high-tech product integrating radio frequency automatic retrieval technology, Webservice communication technology, computing control technology, and network technology. The system network topology is shown in the following figure.


3.2 System function

The RFID logistics warehouse management system carries out intelligent system and information management on the company's commodity logistics, and completes the functions of automatic distribution demand information, real-time tracking of goods distribution information, automatic storage of goods storage information, automatic system alarm and instant docking with the WMS system. . The system flow chart is shown in the figure below.

How is RFID used in logistics warehouses and production lines?

3.3 Performance characteristics

1) The system uses the advantages of RFID technology to realize long-distance collection of product information;

2) The system uses the technical advantages of RFID to collect real-time information for each work link, ensuring that the company can grasp the accurate inventory situation in real time;

3) According to the collection of commodity data by the logistics warehousing reader, the system can complete the management application of anti-collision goods;

4) When the distribution exceeds the demand, the system will automatically carry out alarm reminders to avoid production line stoppage;

5) The system software system adopts an open platform architecture, which can be very well connected with the enterprise ERP, SAP and its WMS system.

4. Application industry

With the gradual improvement of RFID technology, the application is becoming more and more common. RFID front-end development equipment (electronic tags, readers) is closely integrated with the company's core system, which can be widely used in supply chain management and logistics warehouse management industries, and reasonably handle the input/output of supply chain management business process operation data information, business processes The manipulation and tracking of the process can effectively reduce difficulties such as the error rate.

1) Manufacturing stage

The use of RFID technology in the production and processing stage enables automated technology production line operation to realize the identification and tracking of raw materials, parts, semi-finished products and inventory goods in all production lines, reduce labor identification costs and error rates, and improve work efficiency and economic benefits. Especially in the production line that adopts the JIT (Just-in-Time) production process, the raw materials and parts must be delivered to the process on time. After the RFID technology is selected, the raw materials and parts required for the process can be quickly and accurately found from a wide variety of inventory according to the identification rfid tags. RFID technology can also help technicians to immediately transmit stocking information according to the progress of production, complete production line balance, smooth production, and improve the control and tracking of quality.


2) Storage stage

In the warehouse, the most common application of RFID technology is the storage of goods and warehouse inventory, which can be used to complete the actual operations such as automated inventory and pick-up. In all warehouse management, the pickup plan, pickup plan, transportation plan formulated by the supply chain management plan system are closely combined with rfid technology, and various business process practical operations can be efficiently carried out, such as specific accumulation areas, shelves Pickup and stocking, etc. In this way, the accuracy and convenience of the work are improved, the service level is improved, the cost is reduced, the human capital and inventory space are saved, and the misplacement, mistake, theft, damage and inventory of products in the whole logistics warehouse are reduced. , loss caused by incorrect delivery, etc. RFID technology depends on reducing human resources in warehouse inventory. The design scheme of RFID is to automate the filing of products, without manual inspection or scanning of barcodes during collection, which is faster and more accurate, and reduces wear and tear. RFID solutions provide accurate information about inventory levels, allowing technicians to quickly identify and correct diseconomies of scale operating conditions, enabling rapid supply and minimizing storage costs.

3) Shipping stage

In transportation management, RFID tags are attached to goods and vehicles in transit, and RFID receiving and forwarding equipment is installed at some checkpoints on the transportation line. After receiving the RFID tag information, the receiving device and the location information of the receiving place are submitted to the communication satellite, which is then transmitted to the transportation scheduling system by the communication satellite, and sent to the database for query.

4) Shipping/Distributor stage

In the distribution stage, the use of rfid technology can greatly accelerate the speed of distribution, improve the efficiency and accuracy of the whole process of picking and distribution, and reduce labor and distribution costs. If all products arriving at the intermediate distribution management center are affixed with RFID electronic tags, when entering the central distribution management center, the pallet will load the label content on all the boxes on the tray according to a reader. The system checks this information against delivery records for possible inaccuracies, and then upgrades the RFID tag to a new product storage location and condition. This ensures precise inventory control, and even provides accurate information on how many boxes are currently in the middle of a shipment, where the shipment originates and arrives, and its estimated arrival time.

5) Retail stage

RFID can improve retailers' inventory management, realize timely replenishment, effectively track transportation and inventory, improve work efficiency and reduce errors. In addition, intelligent electronic tags can supervise the validity period of some timely products; stores can also use the RFID system to realize automatic scanning and charging at the payment station, thereby replacing manual collection. RFID electronic tags in the sales link of supply chain management terminal equipment, especially in shopping malls, avoid manual intervention in the tracking process, and can be converted into 100% accurate business process data information, so it has great temptation.

For more RFID products and solutions, please visit the company's official website (https://www.fuwit.com.cn/), or online customer service (400-8331-258) for consultation




FU-M6-A 是一款以ThingMagic优异的M6e-A模组为核心集成的工业级的四通道固定式读写器。采用优质钣金外壳,提供4路 TNC天线接口,支持4路独立天线,提供工业专用的通信及电源接口,外观小巧,安装便捷。IP56防护等级适应各类工业和商业环境使用,满足高低温恶劣工作环境。 广泛适应于医疗、酒店洗涤、智慧仓储、新零售等各类工业和商业环境下使用。
W6100 便携式工业级RFID智能手持机

W6100 便携式工业级RFID智能手持机

W6100 手持机是一款基于安卓 10.0 系统开发,2GB RAM & 16GB ROM,集成 2D 条形码扫描、4G 全网通、GPS 、WIFI(支持 WIFI 漫游无缝切换)、BLUETOOTH 、RFID 功能于一体的便携式智能数据采集设备,界面友好,操作简便; 集成 ThingMagic 高性能模组,具备高效盘点、远程扫描、精准读取等优势,适应于仓储物流、智能门店、档案图书等多场景应用。 


TXr系列RFID标签打印机配备了优于其它产品的独创设计和实用功 能,畅享智能打印解决方案带来的高效便利。先打印后读写的独创设计,100%标签合格率,TXr系列电子标签打印解决方案是自动化分拣及高效工作的保障。其支持最小高度为12毫米的电子标签读写打印及适用于柔性抗金属标签,灵活的耗材兼容性,高品质打印输出效果,带你走进更加广阔的应用领域。产品广泛适用于汽车制造业,服装制造业,金融服务业,物流运输业等行业细分领域 *RFID打印机功能演示视频, 请点击:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_ XNDExNjA3NTA1Ng==.html *如需下载产品规格书,请联系我们的在线客服,或联系邮箱:sales@fuwit.com,备注来访意图即可。


FU-TD04 超高频RFID门禁系统支持EPC C1 G2(ISO18000-6C)协议,支持服务器模式实现多通道控制功能,内部集成高增益天线组、基于ThingMagic的高速读写器及控制模组,拥有高速读取标签性能和良好的读写区域控制能力,提供标准RS232或RJ45接口,方便连接软件平台。 产品特别适用于各类物流仓储、图书档案、人员考勤管理等细分领域的应用。


蓝牙AOA定位基站FU-GA25-P2是一款壳体防护等级达到IP66的高精度定位基站,采用最新的AOA到达角定位技术,与定位引擎和多种蓝牙终端一起组成亚米级高精度实时定位系统,单台基站即可独立进行高精度定位。 蓝牙aoa定位FU-GA25-P2定位引擎高性能,具备多架构支持、跨平台设计、云边融合设计的特点,软件配置高效快速,具备覆盖效果仿真、图纸输出、性能评估等技术支持优势


    高精度UWB定位系统,由UWB定位基站、UWB定位标签(腰牌、胸牌、腕表、安全帽)、定位引擎(基于GIS的标准型定位应用软件),结合定位算法和开放的定位引擎API接口,系统可达10cm级定位精度,可实现三维、二维、一维、零维定位。可广泛应用于矿山、石化、隧道、地铁、工厂、电力、养老院、医院、监狱、看守所、戒毒所、法院、博物馆等行业,对人员、物品、资产的智能化管理。     UWB室外型定位基站,支持TDOA和TOF两种定位方式,基站内置4G、WiFi、蓝牙网络模块,可实现物联网网关功能。