
深圳市铨顺宏科技有限公司 专业的RFID产品与技术服务提供商

Quan Shunhong RFID: Prefabricated buildings are coming with the information age with RFID and other technologies!

Prefabricated houses need to split the components, use BIM technology to establish a standardized component library……
Prefabricated houses need to split the components, use BIM technology to establish a standardized component library, carry out component splitting and detailed design, and use the database platform to summarize the component split information, and analyze the wall panels, floors, beams, balconies and other structural components. Automatic splitting is carried out to achieve the purpose of factory production and on-site hoisting and splicing. Using BIM technology to split the components, and code the split components, combined with RFID technology and two-dimensional code technology, when the components are produced in the factory, the factory's smart management platform reads the data related to the split components from the BIM smart management platform. For component processing and production. At the same time, the processing and production process information and quality inspection information of each prefabricated component will be recorded in the BIM intelligent management platform; during the construction process, by reading the data of the BIM intelligent management platform, you can know the weight, size, installation location, etc. After the installation of the components is completed, the installation status of the components will be entered into the BIM intelligent management platform to realize the information management of the prefabricated components.

RFID Internet of Things technology, RFID in and out, RFID inventory

Building Information Modeling (BIM, Building Information Modeling) is used in the information integration management of the whole life cycle of buildings, including planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance. BIM technology has five characteristics of visualization, coordination, simulation, optimization and drawing. With the help of BIM technology, the construction site is planned and arranged, a three-dimensional information model is established, and the BIM animation technology is used to simulate the construction process. Using BIM software can realize 3D parametric modeling for different disciplines such as architecture, structure, electromechanical, etc., and check the conflict and collision of steel bars, pipes, construction procedures, etc., designers can modify the design in time, optimize the engineering design, and effectively To solve the collision conflict problem in the design.

01.Intelligent construction site

In the construction stage, the management workload of prefabricated components in storage, out of storage, and inventory is large. A smart management platform for material tracking is established, and RFID and QR code technology are used to conduct inspection, in-warehouse registration, allocation, and out-of-stock materials. Scan the code to track, update the warehouse database in real time, grasp the real data of the inventory in time, reduce the workload of management personnel, and improve the work efficiency of warehouse management.

1.1 Application of RFID Technology

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) radio frequency identification technology can identify specific targets and read and write related data through radio signals without the need to establish contact between the identification system and specific targets. The components are implanted with RFID chips in the factory during the processing stage. The coding of the chips is consistent with the coding of the components. At the same time, the positioning and tracking of the prefabricated components are realized with the help of GIS (Geographic Information System). Each chip will record the information in the process of component production, storage, transportation, warehousing, warehousing, and hoisting. Through the prefabricated component tracking intelligent management platform, the information of the whole process from production to on-site hoisting will be transmitted to BIM In the intelligent management platform, real-time dynamic monitoring and management of components is carried out throughout the whole process. The RFID chip is unique, which ensures the accuracy of the information in the process of production, processing, storage, transportation, storage, and hoisting of components. Using the Internet of Things technology to combine BIM and RFID technology to realize the docking of the BIM intelligent management platform and the material tracking intelligent management platform is conducive to the optimal allocation of resources and space, optimize the construction plan, and improve the construction efficiency of the project.

Shenzhen Quan Shunhong Technology Co., Ltd., as the leading RFID brand--ThingMagic agent, provides the whole series of ThingMagic products to major operators and integrators, and always adheres to the business integration of "equipment + solution + service". Model, with automatic identification technology as the core, with the overall application solution of the Internet of Things as the guide, with the purpose of technical service application, effective integration of technology and application, and creation and realization of application value, to provide mature, stable, professional, A complete package of detailed solutions and value-added services. At the same time, relying on the advantages of brand and technology, combined with rich technical service experience in the Internet of Things industry, in smart warehousing and logistics, file informatization, smart new retail, smart manufacturing, smart washing, asset management and other industry segments, from product selection , to solution design and system platform support, to provide users with easy-to-operate and high-stability, differentiated and innovative comprehensive technical services.

1.2 Application of QR code technology

The two-dimensional code cleverly uses the computer algorithm in the code compilation, and transforms it into a two-dimensional code graphic that is easily recognized by the mobile terminal, which can be directly pasted or sprayed on the component. The two-dimensional code is equivalent to giving each component a unique "identity". ". The biggest advantage of the QR code is that it does not require special equipment, and can be scanned and recognized on the smartphone side, which is convenient and fast, and is conducive to popularization. Each component produced by a prefabricated component manufacturer should paste a two-dimensional code in a prominent position. The two-dimensional code identification should be clear, durable and reliable to prevent components from falling during transportation, storage, and hoisting to ensure that prefabricated components can be identified. The "identity" of the component.

The two-dimensional code identification information should include the following information: component production unit, component name, component number, specification and size, use location, weight, production date, drawings, production process, bill of materials, quality inspection, etc. After the production and acceptance of the prefabricated components are qualified, the quality inspector will paste the generated QR code label in the designated area. Taking the BROAD Housing Industry Component Processing Factory as an example, the picture shows the information of the QR code pasted on the prefabricated exterior wall siding of BROAD Housing and the information scanned by the mobile phone. When the components are transported, the driver scans the QR code to confirm that the component information is accurate according to their own transportation tasks. When the components are hoisted, the construction workers scan the QR codes of the components according to the hoisting task to ensure that the components are correctly hoisted in place. Through the two-dimensional code carrying information, the identification and status confirmation of the prefabricated components can be realized, and finally the whole process management of the prefabricated components from the production of the plate to the hoisting in place can be realized.

02. Informatization of construction file management

Project archives are part of project management. Most of the construction materials are collected, accumulated, and archived simultaneously by the contractor to follow the progress of the project. They will be handed over to the construction unit when the project is completed and accepted. Engineering projects have many procedures and construction stages, which will generate a large amount of data [3-5]. For some important parts and concealed project acceptance records, once the omission or record is wrong, it will have a great impact on the delineation of responsibilities of all parties in the project construction, and problems may be blamed on each other. General construction process archives need to be organized and archived by unit project and sub-project. For residential projects with many building numbers, they need to be divided into room numbers and majors, and apply for inspection according to each inspection batch, each sub-item and each sub-division, and the workload of sorting and filing is large. In addition, the archives data come from construction, design, construction, supervision and other units, including design, construction, progress, cost and other aspects of information, and it is difficult to organize. In addition, different units use different construction data management systems, and it is difficult to share and use data and information, which is not conducive to the collaboration among the project construction participants.

Using BIM technology and Internet of Things technology, all information of engineering construction is entered into the parametric model, and the intelligent management of construction archives based on BIM is realized. The database contained in the parametric information model is constantly updated in real time with the progress of the project. Whether it is the builder, designer, constructor or supervisor, all project data such as construction logs, supervision logs, meeting records, design changes, etc. can be entered to realize intelligent data management. At the same time, using the OA file management system can effectively save the process data for future reference, realize the integration and integration of the information system, and push the data to the relevant parties effectively, quickly and accurately. During the completion acceptance stage, the construction party provides a parametric information model electronic file to the construction party, which can be used for the information management of the whole life cycle of the construction project.

03. Application of mobile home inspection management platform

For homeowners, home inspection is a key link in checking the quality of the house. The quality of the house should be found as soon as possible, otherwise it will affect the later use. The traditional home inspection method can no longer meet the owners' demand for service experience. More and more real estate companies have begun to pay attention to the handover process and continue to promote technology research and development to improve the owner's experience and service quality. The establishment of an information-based comprehensive service management platform has realized the project quality supervision and mobile phone one-stop service for the government, the construction party, the supervisor, the party A, the owner, and the property owner on the project site, and strictly controls the quality of the owner's house.

The advantage of mobile home inspection is that the operation is simple, convenient and fast. The owner enters the mobile APP during house inspection, selects the building number, floor, and room number, and can directly mark the problem location on the floor plan. Take pictures of the problematic part, circle the problem, record the problem, automatically form a problem list, and view the problem details in the list. The mobile APP data is connected to the BIM smart management platform. For the problems encountered in the house inspection, the smart management platform notifies the rectifiers. After the rectifiers are completed, they can take photos and record feedback, and the owners can check the problem rectification progress and completion status. Through the smart management platform, administrators can view the house inspection and rectification data in real time, and make statistics on the received data. The application of mobile home inspection has changed the traditional way of on-site inspection, delivery and acceptance, making home inspection more efficient and convenient.

04. Epilogue

With the great advantages of the Internet of Things technology, the information management of the entire life cycle of BIM-based engineering projects in the planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance stages has been realized, and the industrialized construction of prefabricated houses has been promoted. However, at present, there is a lack of a systematic and effective management system. From the design, component processing, construction and other links, it is impossible to form a systematic whole-process management, and there is no application of building information technology. There is no mature BIM-based smart management platform for prefabricated houses in China. .

Establish a smart management platform for prefabricated houses based on BIM to realize the leap-forward transformation of project management to intelligence and visualization. Pre-model the prefabricated components, establish a three-dimensional visual parameter model, and realize the pre-assembly of components, component splitting and coding. The BIM smart management platform is connected to the factory smart management system to realize data sharing, transmit component information to the component production factory, and the factory conducts production and processing.

Using RFID technology, GIS technology, and two-dimensional code technology, the whole process of intelligent identification, positioning, tracking, monitoring and management of prefabricated components is realized from production, processing, storage, transportation, warehousing, allocation, delivery, and hoisting. The data generated during the construction process is uploaded to the BIM smart management platform, and the smart management platform conducts a comprehensive assessment of the project quality level based on the quality of the project entity and data inspection to achieve intelligent acceptance. With the development and application of the mobile home inspection management platform, the problems existing in the home inspection can be uploaded to the BIM smart management platform in time, and the management platform notifies the rectifier to make rectification, and the home inspection delivery becomes simple and fast. The application of information technology has promoted the development of prefabricated buildings in China, which will produce huge economic and social benefits in the future.

For more RFID products and solutions, please visit the company's official website (https://www.fuwit.com.cn), or online customer service (400-8331-258) for consultation




FU-M6-A 是一款以ThingMagic优异的M6e-A模组为核心集成的工业级的四通道固定式读写器。采用优质钣金外壳,提供4路 TNC天线接口,支持4路独立天线,提供工业专用的通信及电源接口,外观小巧,安装便捷。IP56防护等级适应各类工业和商业环境使用,满足高低温恶劣工作环境。 广泛适应于医疗、酒店洗涤、智慧仓储、新零售等各类工业和商业环境下使用。
W6100 便携式工业级RFID智能手持机

W6100 便携式工业级RFID智能手持机

W6100 手持机是一款基于安卓 10.0 系统开发,2GB RAM & 16GB ROM,集成 2D 条形码扫描、4G 全网通、GPS 、WIFI(支持 WIFI 漫游无缝切换)、BLUETOOTH 、RFID 功能于一体的便携式智能数据采集设备,界面友好,操作简便; 集成 ThingMagic 高性能模组,具备高效盘点、远程扫描、精准读取等优势,适应于仓储物流、智能门店、档案图书等多场景应用。 


TXr系列RFID标签打印机配备了优于其它产品的独创设计和实用功 能,畅享智能打印解决方案带来的高效便利。先打印后读写的独创设计,100%标签合格率,TXr系列电子标签打印解决方案是自动化分拣及高效工作的保障。其支持最小高度为12毫米的电子标签读写打印及适用于柔性抗金属标签,灵活的耗材兼容性,高品质打印输出效果,带你走进更加广阔的应用领域。产品广泛适用于汽车制造业,服装制造业,金融服务业,物流运输业等行业细分领域 *RFID打印机功能演示视频, 请点击:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_ XNDExNjA3NTA1Ng==.html *如需下载产品规格书,请联系我们的在线客服,或联系邮箱:sales@fuwit.com,备注来访意图即可。


FU-TD04 超高频RFID门禁系统支持EPC C1 G2(ISO18000-6C)协议,支持服务器模式实现多通道控制功能,内部集成高增益天线组、基于ThingMagic的高速读写器及控制模组,拥有高速读取标签性能和良好的读写区域控制能力,提供标准RS232或RJ45接口,方便连接软件平台。 产品特别适用于各类物流仓储、图书档案、人员考勤管理等细分领域的应用。


蓝牙AOA定位基站FU-GA25-P2是一款壳体防护等级达到IP66的高精度定位基站,采用最新的AOA到达角定位技术,与定位引擎和多种蓝牙终端一起组成亚米级高精度实时定位系统,单台基站即可独立进行高精度定位。 蓝牙aoa定位FU-GA25-P2定位引擎高性能,具备多架构支持、跨平台设计、云边融合设计的特点,软件配置高效快速,具备覆盖效果仿真、图纸输出、性能评估等技术支持优势


    高精度UWB定位系统,由UWB定位基站、UWB定位标签(腰牌、胸牌、腕表、安全帽)、定位引擎(基于GIS的标准型定位应用软件),结合定位算法和开放的定位引擎API接口,系统可达10cm级定位精度,可实现三维、二维、一维、零维定位。可广泛应用于矿山、石化、隧道、地铁、工厂、电力、养老院、医院、监狱、看守所、戒毒所、法院、博物馆等行业,对人员、物品、资产的智能化管理。     UWB室外型定位基站,支持TDOA和TOF两种定位方式,基站内置4G、WiFi、蓝牙网络模块,可实现物联网网关功能。